Failing in 2016 and looking forward in 2017

"New year new me." That's the common mantra every January 1st. We set these lofty resolutions (often without planning how we will make them a reality or how we will stick to them) and try to fix our entire life a the start of the year. I'm guilty of it as well. Remember when I … Continue reading Failing in 2016 and looking forward in 2017

December Intentions and Paleo-ish Noms

I'm less than 10 weeks until Lil' Kola makes its debute. 10 weeks! Of course that's only an estimate- really only this little spitfire knows the exact time it'll grace us with its presence. But either way, the end of pregnancy number 2  is drawing near. I'll be holding a new to the world baby … Continue reading December Intentions and Paleo-ish Noms

That time I sh*t my pants

Yesterday I saw 3 shooting stars and 3 deer during my run. Today I shat on the side of the road like a deer. Life is funny that way.

How I became a morning person, 4am workouts, and tips to rise before the sun

The world outside my window is pitch black as my sports watch buzzes on my wrist a silent but effective and gentle alarm. It's 4am and although groggy, I stumble out of my warm bed that still holds my husband and large comforting pregnancy pillow. I grab my phone and quietly make my way to … Continue reading How I became a morning person, 4am workouts, and tips to rise before the sun

2,016 miles in 2016 and Matcha Chia Pudding

Y'all... you know how you make a declaration to do something in the spur of the moment and then realize that maybe you didn't really think everything through? Examples include, but are not limited to: "I'm going to learn to juggle" or "I'm going to garden" or "I'm going to drink less wine" or my favorite, "I'm … Continue reading 2,016 miles in 2016 and Matcha Chia Pudding