In time for 4th of July: The Best Black Bean Burgers in Town

I am sitting at my desk with my morning tea, with Captain (our shady cat) trying to snuggle on my computer. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. Today is a big day for the hubs and me. Today is our one year anniversary of being in Oklahoma. It's a little surreal. … Continue reading In time for 4th of July: The Best Black Bean Burgers in Town

“Healthy food is meant to be bland right!?!” : Feisty brown rice

Rice is a staple food in our house because it's filling, cheap and can be used in a variety of recipes. Confession: I don't make rice on the stove. I actually hate the process. We use a rice cooker to make our rice because it cooks it perfect every time. No stirring, no mess, just … Continue reading “Healthy food is meant to be bland right!?!” : Feisty brown rice